Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Business of Life

It's summer time. A time for relaxation, vacations and friends. A time for beaches and ice cream and parties. A time for fun, hot days and long, cool nights. A time to sleep in and really enjoy yourself... Or not. Of your have ever had a summer like that then you should definitely let us all in on the secret because I have had a hectic summer. Between work and summer school and being in Shrek the musical I only have about 2 hours a day to do chores, read extra books, catch up on emails and texts, and sit down and think. I also have other things I have to do, like maintain a social life and prepare for next semester. It's not easy stuff! And it's not all horrible.  I love my job and school isn't all bad. Of course I'm not going to complain about being in a musical and I'm happy to have so much to do and so many people to communicate with. So if you feel like I'm complaining, please forgive me. The truth is, summer is not to be expected. There are things that are going to happen that you never dreamed about, but in the end, summer is still amazing and that is why I think we look forward to it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I can't stand when people are rude to other people. I believe that everyone has rights and everyone should have freedom to say what they think but when someone puts someone else down, it hurts me inside. I hate seeing the way people look when they are shot down and ignored. I always feel so bad when multiple people are talking to me and I have to shut out the others and focus on one. Everyone is a person with feelings and most people want to feel cared about.

Why do we put other people down? It's so discouraging to know you don't have a voice or to feel like you don't matter. As a daughter of God I can see that the people around me have a need to be loved and cared for. I can see that they have feelings, desires and dreams. I can see that they want to be included and that they are children of God.

We're all royalty. Why don't we treat each other the way we should be treating them? If we could see their full potential would we see them different? Would they see themselves differently? Would words and actions be changed. I like to think that the more we learn and understand the more our opinions of each other will change and the more open minded we will be.

Kind Words

By Megan Johnson
Let us speak kind words to each other,
If we do, no contention we'll cause,
Kind words, each sister and brother,
Then the spirit will return as it was,

All of us can do better you see,
Kind words make others feel better,
So let us not speak sarcastically,
And be kind every single letter!

Sometimes we tease just a little,
But sometimes it might not feel nice,
If we stop teasing so much it'll,
Help when breaking the ice!!!

So when a moment comes up,
Don't say something that may be rude,
Instead of push-down, push-up!!
Even if you don't think they find it crude.

So to be builders, we'll all try harder,
And then happiness can be found,
Yes happiness together!
And say kind words all around.

Everyone needs love and happiness. Everyone needs and longs to be understood. 
Don't deny them of that.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Talking vs Technology

Last year I wrote a post on giving compliments. Today's post is like a sequel to that one.

Technology is an amazing thing. Just today I have used my iPhone to wake me up, text information to a friend, check my email, share a post with millions across the world, read my scriptures, schedule my events, take a picture, and write this blog post. The power and possibilities are endless. We are so blessed to have all of this at our finger tips.

Yet as I watch the people around me, or sit in a social setting, I notice that people are having difficulties talking to each other. The communication in this world has gone down and people don't have the simple skill of talking to one another. We find it so easy to like and comment on posts and tweets but when it comes to liking and commenting in person we feel awkward and embarrassed. How sad it is that two people could pass by each other with even noticing the others exsistance.

Now I am equally as guilty as any of you. It's not easy to start conversations or compliment people on their hair or shoes. It is much easier to double tap their Instagram photo. It's hard to think of questions to get to know your family better but it is easy to ask youtubers you've never met, to give you dating advice. It is difficult to share emotions and open up to your friends but it is easy to send an emoji, with the tap of a finger.

And I'm not saying technology is making us dumb! ...well maybe I am, but I still think it's a good thing. In my opinion we need to learn how to balance the technology in our life's and at the same time, look up. Smile at someone. Compliment them. Visit a family member or friend. Because memories count and time is short, so don't live life on a phone.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Things I never Said

To my directors,
Thank you. As I look back at the old pictures of musicals, I look at them and think “Wow I was so young” and “Was that really one of my costumes?” I think of all the times that we sat on the stage after rehearsal being drilled into by harsh, but constructive notes. I think of how much time each mom put in, and how much money they spent on our shows. But most importantly, I think about how much it changed me.
Those long rehearsals were killer, and after we would be shaken, hungry, and stressing about the homework that needed to be done. But you pushed us to be better and better. Having you there, pushing me, made me do better in my classes. You gave me my first real part in a musical I ever had. This, gave me the self-confidence I needed. Thank you for being the one that I could rely on for anything, and between scenes goof around and have fun with each other. For laying the groundwork for us, we were able to climb up the rope ladder. As we got older, each one of us excelled because of the stage. We learned to respect the props, the tech, and who else was helping (even if we didn't respect them enough). We tirelessly went over lines, and stayed up late to perfect accents and impressions of those that inspired our characters. No matter how many times you got mad at us for talking over you, or getting the scene wrong for the ‘enth time in a row, we still thought you were the best director ever. When you uttered, “it looks great, this is it” we all let out a sigh of relief, we knew that all our hard work paid off. When the lights came on opening night, we were all shaking as the curtain rose, letting out that last sigh of relief before we saw the shadowed-out audience. The whole time wondering if we were making you proud.
So, I thank you. I thank you for never giving up on us, no matter how rough we could be and for helping us develop our personalities and our interests. Without you I may not have the confidence on stage I have now. I thank you for being one of the most influential people in my teenage life by giving me that chance, over and over again. I thank you.

The Things We Never Say...

To the Techs,
On behalf of all the performers, thank you. Your job is weird in that, the better you are at it, the less anyone notices you're there. Sometimes we link attention with importance, yet, without your silent presence, we'd all be screwed.

You're often at shows before we arrive and you stay back long after we're gone. Sometimes you're teching several shows in a row. You sit through the same scripts, the same songs, the same jokes again and again. Your patience knows no bounds, as soon as we notice a mistake, we are on you like pouncing tigers. But still, you show up. You create your magic through sound, set, or lights and you make the show complete.

We may forget to thank you as often as we should. We may be short with you, ungrateful, or downright rude. And on behalf of all performers, I apologize for this. You are every bit as important for this show as us. You are our co-stars. You are our heroes, and you are our guardian angels - sometimes literally shining light down on is in times of darkness.
So thanks, keep us the great work.
-The performers.  

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Guys I'm just really happy right now. All day I've just been happy and having a great day. There are so many things to be grateful for and so many amazing people in my life. Thank you to everyone for everything you do for me.

I watched Anne of Green Gables the sequel last night with two of my siblings. During the movie Anne kept wishing that people would stop changing. I have felt like this for the past year. I've been wondering why things have to change and why we all have to grow up. As I watched the movie and saw Anne change I noticed that her changes helped her to meet new people and find new joy. I really think that change is for the best and this gives me hope and makes me feel happy.

Guys, life is so amazing. I have the best friends and I'm just super content. This is the best feeling in the world. Hooray for life!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Perfection vs Wholeness

Being perfect and being whole can be very similar, the are both about being complete; however, perfection is the state where nothing is wanting and being whole is the state of being entire and non-defective. The question is, can we be perfect or whole?

Perfection is described well in the 1828 Webster's Dictionary when it claims " Perfection [is] the state of being perfect or complete, so that nothing requisite is wanting." When comparing perfection and wholeness it is easy to see that both words mean "complete" however the term "perfection" is different because it is describing something without want. If something or someone is without want that means they're feeling content, complete and consummated. It means they are being pure and perfect.

Being whole is also about being complete, but it includes being entire and not defective. It is not very different from perfection, they do have similarities. Being whole is being together, unified and total. Being whole means finding peace and we can only be made whole through the Savior. Elder Timothy J. Dyches said, "As we repent and become converted to the Lord, we become whole, and our guilt is swept away. We may wonder, as did Enos, “How is it done?” The Lord answers: 'Because of thy faith in Christ. … Wherefore, go to, thy faith hath made thee whole'"
However there is a connection between these two terms. They both mean "complete." Perfection means pure and without fault ever. While we are on earth we are striving to become like our Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is perfect and even though we try to be like him we are not perfect beings, however, we can be whole. In Elder Timothy J. Dyches on becoming whole, he says that through repentance Christ can make us whole.
In future days we will be able to be perfect. For now we will do our best to be perfect and in the mean time we can be whole. Christ is our example and through Him we can be made complete and eventually fulfill our true and overall purpose.
